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The lifeinstyle impact of Giving: A Heartwarming story from the Heart of St Louis

This past weekend, Em and I had an incredible moment. This was thanks to an invite from the amazing members of STL Santos to volunteer at the St. Louis Crisis Nursery’s annual Christmas party. These guys are more than just a St. Louis City based soccer fan group; they're local heroes who bring cheer and joy not only to the fans at the St. Louis City Stadium but also to the St. Louis community through volunteering efforts. A big shoutout to them, we are very proud to be members of their group as well.

Super Santo STL
Super Santo. Picture by STL Santos Facebook Group

As you might now we've been gathering goodies for the Crisis Nursery for five years now with Ciggfreeds Liquid and Lace, but being at their Christmas party – that's a whole new level of real. Watching those kids' eyes light up when they got the gifts we all pitched in for as a community – that’s something you don’t forget. But the real heart-tugger? Seeing those kids, smiles as big as the moon, rolling their new bikes to their cars with their parents.

St Louis Crisis Nursery St. Louis image by Telemundo STL
Photocredit: Facebook @Telemundostl

That moment right there, it was everything. It hit us – we're making a real difference. It was our Eureka moment, the reason we just had to write this!

So we got this idea. We want to keep helping the Crisis Nursery, not just during the holidays, but all year round. How about we start a bike collection drive for these kids? You know, getting kids active is super important these days, and we think bikes are just the perfect way to do that. Can you lend us a hand please? If you hear about someone looking to pass on a good kid's bike, or maybe you've got a new one to donate, give us a shout, okay? We're planning to set up a collection depot right here in town to make it easy for you to drop them off. Let's get this rolling together Lifeinstyle!

Donating to the St. Louis Crisis Nursery
The panda and Cherice from Ciggfreeds Liquid and Lace taking donations in 2019

And hey, we're counting on you too! Whether it’s donating a bike, helping organize, or volunteering more with the Crisis Nursery, every bit counts. We're stronger when we're in this together. Guys, there are so many young people right now in need of a little something to warm their hearts. We can make a difference, I know! This community is so big, and I know we can count on you to help.

Those smiles at the party, they're the real deal. That's the kind of change we're talking about. Big thanks to Santos STL for leading the way. Em and I are pumped to get this rolling, but it's not just about us. It's about our Lifeinstyle fam, stepping up, spreading joy, and making a difference.

Ciggfreeds Liquid and Lace and Lifeinstyle

So this holiday season, let’s do more than just party. Let’s keep those donations coming and create some magic. One bike, one donation, one smile at a time. Are you in?

Catch you later,

Em and Lou 🚲🌟💕

*Reminder that you can drop your donations for the Crisis Nursery this year at Ciggfreed Liquid and Lace at 6839 Gravois Ave, St Louis, MO. or you can bring them to The Lifeinstyle XXXMAS Lingerie Party December 15th. The List of what the St. Louis Crisis Nursery is collecting is below, monetary donations are also accepted at:*

list of donations in 2023 for the St. Louis Crisis Nursery

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